As the world’s most popular cosmetic treatment, Botox is the go-to procedure to eliminate forehead furrows, crow’s feet, and glabellar lines. It’s so convenient that you can get injections on your lunch break and continue maintaining your refreshed, wrinkle-free look with touch-ups every three to six months.

To maximize the benefits of this low-risk, high-reward procedure, you should avoid these seven specific things after getting Botox.

1. Rubbing Your Face

While Botox injections aren’t painful, you may feel tempted to rub the treated area afterward in response to mild side effects like swelling. However, massaging your face may cause Botox to spread outside the targeted region, where it could lead to unintended results like eyelid drooping.

2. Sun and Heat Exposure

A sunburn is your skin’s response to UV radiation. While you always want to avoid cumulative sun damage, you’ll need to be especially cautious about staying out of the sun after Botox injections. In addition, heat exposure from hot tubs, steam rooms, or long summer days can cause unwanted dark spots in treated areas.

3. Intense Exercise

Botox temporarily paralyzes specific nerve impulses to muscle tissues. It’s advisable not to engage in any strenuous physical movements for the first few days after treatment until you start to see your desired results.

4. Taking Blood Thinners

Taking blood thinners like aspirin might cause excessive bruising and bleeding in the injection areas. Please avoid these medications for two weeks before and three months after your Botox appointment unless Dr. Dreyfuss advises otherwise.

5. Alcohol Consumption

Since alcohol also thins your blood, you shouldn’t drink following your Botox session. Alcoholic drinks can affect normal blood coagulation and cause excessive swelling, skin sensitivity, bruises, and excessive bleeding.

6. Washing Your Face With Soap

Please do not wash your face for the first six hours after you get Botox injections. Otherwise, you can continue cleansing your face every morning and night. As an alternative to antiseptic soap, we recommend you use a mild cleanser and lukewarm water. This combination will help prevent skin sensitivity due to chemicals found in over-the-counter soaps.

7. Applying Topical Products

Patients who undergo Botox injections should not apply topical products like moisturizers or skin care serums before injections, since these may cause unwelcome reactions. Once you’ve gotten your Botox treatment, it’s a best practice to not use cosmetics for a week to 10 days.

Schedule Your Consultation for Botox Injections in Orland Park, IL

Dr. David Dreyfuss and his Spa Services team help his patients understand everything they need to know about Botox.

Contact us to schedule your consultation today at our state-of-the-art surgical facility in Orland Park by calling (815) 806-9400, or arrange a virtual consultation to continue your journey toward getting that radiant glow!

As an FDA-approved prescription drug, Botox is one of the most popular methods available for non-surgically correcting lines and wrinkles caused by aging. While this product has many medical benefits – such as treating migraines and excessive sweating – you are probably more familiar with its cosmetic purposes of smoothing wrinkles on the skin by temporarily paralyzing muscles.

Each Botox injection treatment will last between four to six months, after which you will gradually regain your ability to make the repetitive muscle movements that crease your skin. To keep your youthful, smooth complexion, you’ll need periodic touch-up treatments. With an ongoing maintenance plan, the wrinkles will take longer to appear and will be less severe because repeated Botox injections effectively “train” your muscles to stay relaxed.

Botox is equally suitable for men as it is for women and, when expertly injected by board-certified Dr. David Dreyfuss, could be the best treatment to help you address the signs of aging that concern you.

You could be a good candidate for Botox if one or more of the following applies to you:

  • Crow’s feet or worry lines around the eyes
  • Moderate to severe frown lines between the brows
  • Droopy brows
  • Lines above the upper lip

Everyone ages at different rates, but the good news is you don’t have to live with wrinkles that make you appear older than you feel or give you a tired or angry-looking appearance.

What Areas Can You Get Treated With Botox?

If you’re considering Botox injections as an alternative or supplement to cosmetic surgery, the first thing to know is that it’s ideal for minimizing and relaxing the expression lines that form in the eye and eyebrow area.

  • Forehead furrows: Horizontal indentations that stretch across your forehead.
  • Eleven lines: Vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows.
  • Crow’s feet: Wrinkles that form around the outside of the eyes over time.

Are There Any Other Uses for Botox?

While Botox is a popular non-surgical option for diminishing unwanted facial lines, it has more uses than eliminating dynamic and static wrinkles. It has proven to be an effective treatment for other cosmetic and non-cosmetic procedures as well.

  • Acne treatment: Botox can treat acne breakouts by reducing oil production.
  • Gummy smile: Botox can relax the upper lip, allowing it to cover more of the exposed gum.
  • Bunny lines: Botox injections can smooth the lines on either side of the nose.
  • Muscle spasms: Botox can temporarily paralyze the muscles responsible for unwelcome muscle twitches, including those in your face or back.
  • Migraines: When injected into areas around the neck, forehead, and temples, Botox eases the pain and discomfort associated with migraines.

The Ideal Center for Your Botox Treatment in Chicago, IL

If you are looking to enhance your appearance and quality of life by using Botox or other types of injectables, Dr. David Dreyfuss can help you obtain treatments that are a perfect match for you.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation at our state-of-the-art surgical facility in Orland Park. Or, you can call us today at (815) 806-9400.

Of the people who consider facelift surgery, many worry about their results. The images of facelift failures displayed on television and social media could cause significant anxiety with potential patients worrying about a similar outcome.

Fortunately, choosing a board-certified plastic surgeon, preparing, and following post-surgical instruction can meet or exceed your aesthetic goals. Here are five steps to follow to ensure you get the results you deserve.

1. Choose the Right Surgeon

While most surgeons can legally perform a facelift, a board-certified plastic surgeon exceeds all others in training, skill, and ethical standards.  Their expertise centers on facial anatomy and reconstructive surgery. They must keep abreast of the most modern techniques and technology through continuing education. And their ethical standards are the most stringent in medicine.

2. Be Honest During Your Consultation

During your consultation, be honest with Dr. Dreyfuss about your desired results. Be prepared to discuss previous surgeries, drug allergies, and current medications. Dr. Dreyfuss will evaluate your unique facial anatomy to compare with your cosmetic goals and give you his assessment. Together, you will devise a surgical plan designed to deliver the best results possible.

Your consultation is your opportunity to ask questions and state your concerns. Come prepared with a list of what you would like to discuss.  Here are some questions you might want to consider:

  • How often do you perform facelifts?
  • How long have you been a plastic surgeon?
  • What makes me a good candidate for the surgery?
  • Where will you perform the operation?
  • Are there any complications and risks I should know about facelift surgery?

3. Get Your Skin Ready for Surgery

The secret to excellent facelift results is healthy skin. If you smoke, quit for at least two weeks before surgery. Use sunblock religiously before and after surgery to diminish sun damage. Start a medical-grade skin care routine at home. Eat the right foods for healthy skin.

4. Excellent Post-Surgery Care

Think about buying a new car – an expensive one, like a Maserati or Ferrari. You will want to have the vehicle serviced according to the manufacturer’s instructions. You should approach your facelift recovery the same way.

Dr. Dreyfuss will give you detailed instructions about prescribed medications, bandages, incision care, and sutures. He will advise you on diet, rest, and exercise. Follow his instructions to the letter!

5. Managing Volume Loss

Today, a facelift is more than stretching skin taut. It’s about volume. With age, we lose fat and bone, creating a sagging, deflated facial appearance. By managing this loss by restoring volume during surgery and beyond, the results will be longer-lasting. Dr. Dreyfuss may suggest enhancing your facelift results with other cosmetic treatments like dermal fillers or facial implants.

The Best Place for a Facelift in Chicago

To find a board-certified plastic surgeon to restore your youthful facial appearance, look no further. Dr. David Dreyfuss believes you deserve the best. Contact us today to schedule a consultation at our state-of-the-art surgical facility in Orland Park. Or, you can call us at 815-806-9400.